Not to get too breathless about it, but sometimes I can’t even believe that I actually get paid to write the things I do. This past Monday, I got to write a recap of the penultimate episode of my favorite television show, “Mad Men,” for — wait for it —

The process was very new to me and utterly exhilarating. The time pressure, the beauty of the episode, my hands flying across the keyboard, documenting the growth of my favorite TV characters for one of the most prestigious outlets in the world… Again, not to get too breathless, but what an awesome experience.

Read the story online at or in PDF form — I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

This is by far one of the coolest stories I’ve had the opportunity to report this year. I had the chance to go to art collector/gallery owner Frederico Sève‘s gorgeous Upper West Side apartment (on sale now!) and interview him for XOP Magazine about his home, his collection of Latin-American art, and why he loves art.

The whole experience was completely transporting, and I’m really proud of how this story came out. Check it out via PDF here or online here.

In the same issue of the mag, I interviewed supermodel Barbara Berger about her favorite places in New York City. Spoiler alert: She is supercool and down-to-earth. If I had to pick an interview subject I want to be best friends with in real life, it would probably be Barbara. Read the piece online or as a PDF on my site.